Project Themeory May 14-15

So i fail at remembering what the theme is this weekend (something like floral… i dont know) but i deff didnt stay in theme.

I had a bit of a building bug this week so i built a beach-y modernish house. Only being sold this weekend for 75L$ then never again.

Sorry if you were looking forward to poses. :S

TeaSoup - Modern Beach House

TP to see the house in-world

TP to TeaSoup

Depraved Dealers

So May 5th Starts the first cycle of Depraved Nations New Fair Pricing Sale event, Depraved Dealers.

” Depraved Dealers is a group of AWESOME designers who have come together to form this exclusive release group.  Each month a new set of designers will have a new item placed on the Depraved Nation sim for a period of 3 weeks.  This is a SALE group, not a FREEBIE group.

The items placed during the sale cannot be found at any other location or mainstore.  Make sure you come check out these great new releases and support your favorite designers!

Heather Smithson
Depraved Nation   “

100l$ for 3 weeks at depraved dealers on may 5th.

Where we’re going we dont need roads..

almost finished with the new store. you all can see it very very soon. ❤

Another Look for the day. soon posting a few new items. 😀



Hair: Elikatira (tdrb)

Skin: Pink Fuel

Lashes: Amperlope

Freckles: Tres Blah (came with a skin i bought)

Mouth: Slink

Shirt: PR!TTY

Bracelet: League

Bag: rbcg (for themeory this weekend)

Skirt: Emery (tdrb)

Tights: Reale (where free)

Shoes: Milk Motion

Pose: my own being released for pose fair.